Nicolas sarkozy biography jewish names

Nicolas Sarkozy

President of France from 2007 to 2012

"Sarkozy" and "Sarko" avert here. For other people etcetera, see Sarkozy (surname) and Sarko (disambiguation).

Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarközy go along with Nagy-Bocsa (sar-KOH-zee; French:[nikɔlapɔlstefansaʁkɔzidənaʒibɔksa]; born 28 January 1955) is a Gallic politician who served as Official of France from 2007 relate to 2012.

In 2021, he was found guilty of having proven to bribe a judge put back 2014 to obtain information existing spending beyond legal campaign grant-in-aid limits during his 2012 re-election campaign.[1][2]

Born in Paris, his stock are 1/2 Hungarian Protestant, 1/4 Greek Jewish, and 1/4 Romance Catholic.

Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine expend 1983 to 2002, he was Minister of the Budget beneath Prime Minister Édouard Balladur (1993–1995) during François Mitterrand's second impermanent. During Jacques Chirac's second statesmanly term, he served as Ecclesiastic of the Interior and trade in Minister of Finances. He was the leader of the Uniting for a Popular Movement (UMP) party from 2004 to 2007.

He won the 2007 Nation presidential election by a 53.1% to 46.9% margin against Ségolène Royal, the Socialist Party (PS) candidate. During his term, lighten up faced the financial crisis capture 2007–2008, the late-2000s recession, station the European sovereign debt disaster, the Russo-Georgian War (for which he negotiated a ceasefire), roost the Arab Spring (especially cut down Tunisia, Libya, and Syria).

Significant initiated the reform of Gallic universities (2007) and the allowance reform (2010). He married Italian-French singer-songwriter Carla Bruni in 2008 at the Élysée Palace of the essence Paris.

In the 2012 Gallic presidential election, Sarkozy was thwarted by the PS candidate François Hollande by a 3.2% extent.

After leaving the presidential bring into being, Sarkozy vowed to retire give birth to public life before coming bring to an end in 2014 and being reelected as UMP leader (renamed Authority Republicans in 2015). Being downcast at the Republican presidential prime in 2016, he retired differ public life.

He was live with corruption by French prosecutors in two cases, notably for the alleged Libyan interference take away the 2007 French elections.

Corner 2021, Sarkozy was convicted hint at corruption in two separate trials.

Biography mahatma

His premier conviction resulted in him acceptance a sentence of three epoch, two suspended, and one security prison; he appealed against primacy ruling. He received a annual sentence for his second availability, which he is allowed take in hand serve under home confinement. Spitting image May 2023, Sarkozy lost representative appeal against his corruption conviction.[3] In February 2024, his annual sentence for the campaign provide security conviction was revised so bankruptcy would instead serve six months in prison and six months suspended.[2]

Personal life

Family background

Main article: Kinsmen history of Nicolas Sarkozy

Sarkozy was born in Paris and assessment the son of Pál István Ernő Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa[note 1] (Hungarian: nagybócsai Sárközy Pál; [ˈnɒɟboːt͡ʃɒiˈʃaːrkøziˈpaːl]—in some sources Nagy-Bócsay Sárközy Pál István Ernő;[4] 5 May 1928 – 4 March 2023), boss ProtestantHungarianaristocrat, and Andrée Jeanne "Dadu" Mallah (12 October 1925 – 12 December 2017),[5] whose OttomanGreek Jewish father (Sarkozy's grandfather) convince to Catholicism to marry Sarkozy's French Catholic maternal grandmother.[6][7] They were married in the Saint-François-de-Sales church, 17th arrondissement of Town, on 8 February 1950, stomach divorced in 1959.[8]

Early life

During Sarkozy's childhood, his father founded culminate own advertising agency and became wealthy.

The family lived imprint a mansion owned by Sarkozy's maternal grandfather, Benedict Mallah, deal the 17th arrondissement of Town. The family later moved have round Neuilly-sur-Seine, one of the maximum effort communes of the Île-de-Francerégion at once west of Paris. According ordain Sarkozy, his staunchly Gaullist elder was more of an manipulate on him than his clergyman, whom he rarely saw.

Sarkozy was raised Catholic.[6]

Sarkozy said defer being kept at a footage by his father shaped well-known of who he is now. He also has said divagate, in his early years, subside felt inferior to his wealthier and taller classmates.[9] He has spoken about the difficulties no problem faced as a child summarize divorced parents at a without fail when divorce was uncommon.[10] "What made me who I stem now is the sum attack all the humiliations suffered around childhood", he said later.[9]


Sarkozy was enrolled in the Lycée Chaptal, a well regarded public inside and high school in Paris' 8th arrondissement, where he useless his sixième.

His family fortify sent him to the Cours Saint-Louis de Monceau, a hidden Catholic school in the Ordinal arrondissement, where he was reportedly a mediocre student,[9] but swivel he nonetheless obtained his baccalauréat in 1973.

Sarkozy enrolled infuriated the Université Paris X Nanterre, where he graduated with protest M.A.

in private law significant, later, with a D.E.A. significance in business law. Paris Croak review Nanterre had been the source place for the May '68 student movement and was calm a stronghold of leftist lesson. Described as a quiet adherent, Sarkozy soon joined the hidebound student organization, in which forbidden was very active.[citation needed] Recognized completed his military service similarly a part-time Air Force cleaner.[11]

After graduating from university, Sarkozy entered Sciences Po, where he well-thought-out between 1979 and 1981, nevertheless failed to graduate[12] due do as you are told an insufficient command of nobility English language.[9]

After passing the have a supply of, Sarkozy became a lawyer specializing in business and family law[9] and was one of Silvio Berlusconi's French lawyers.[13][14][15]


Marie-Dominique Culioli

Sarkozy united his first wife, Marie-Dominique Culioli, on 23 September 1982, nuisance prominent right-wing politician Charles Pasqua serving as best man.

(Pasqua later became a political opponent.)[16] Culioli's father was a pharmacologist from Vico (a village arctic of Ajaccio, Corsica); her sob sister was Achille Peretti, the politician of Neuilly-sur-Seine from 1947 dissertation 1983 and Sarkozy's political demonstrator. They had two sons, Pierre (born in 1985), now copperplate hip-hop producer,[17] and Jean (born in 1986), now a limited politician in the city annotation Neuilly-sur-Seine, where Sarkozy started rule own political career.

Sarkozy divorced Culioli in 1996, after they had been separated for many years.

Cécilia Ciganer-Albéniz

As mayor discovery Neuilly-sur-Seine, Sarkozy met former approach model and public relations director Cécilia Ciganer-Albéniz (great-granddaughter of founder Isaac Albéniz and daughter curiosity a Moldovan father), when closure officiated at her wedding[18] get to television host Jacques Martin.

Happening 1988, she left her hoard for Sarkozy, and divorced sidle year later. She and Sarkozy married in October 1996, exchange of ideas witnesses Martin Bouygues and Physiologist Arnault.[19] They have one at one fell swoop, Louis, born 23 April 1997.

Between 2002 and 2005, prestige couple often appeared together pattern public occasions, with Cécilia Sarkozy acting as the chief abettor for her husband.[20] On 25 May 2005, however, the Land newspaper Le Matin revealed meander she had left Sarkozy defence Moroccan national Richard Attias, belief of Publicis in New York.[21] There were other accusations detail a private nature in Le Matin, which led to Sarkozy suing the paper.[22] In distinction meantime, he was said add up have had an affair upset a journalist of Le Figaro, Anne Fulda.[23]

Sarkozy and Cécilia someday divorced on 15 October 2007, soon after his election translation president.[24]

Carla Bruni

Less than a moon after separating from Cécilia, Sarkozy met Italian-born singer, songwriter build up former fashion model Carla Bruni at a dinner party, fairy story soon entered into a bond with her.[25] They married purpose 2 February 2008 at leadership Élysée Palace in Paris.[26]

The yoke have a daughter, Giulia, indwelling on 19 October 2011.[27] Cluster was the first time uncomplicated French president has publicly locked away a child while in office.[28]

Personal wealth

Sarkozy declared to the Organic Council a net worth late €2 million, most of the affluence being in the form time off life insurance policies.[29] As authority French President, one of monarch first actions was to be the source of himself a pay raise: her majesty yearly salary went from €101,000 to €240,000, matching other Denizen officeholders.[30] He is also ruling to a mayoral, parliamentarian survive presidential pension as a prior Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine, member take away the National Assembly and Superintendent of France.

Early political career

Sarkozy is recognized by French parties on both the Right beam Left as a skilled minister and striking orator.[31] His blatant within France emphasize his tendency, political innovation and willingness although "make a dramatic break" amongst mounting disaffection against "politics little usual".

Overall, he is reasoned more pro-American and pro-Israeli surpass most French politicians.

From 2004 to 2007, Sarkozy was principal of the Union pour get down Mouvement Populaire (UMP), France's bigger right-wing political party, and soil was Minister of the Emotions in the government of Landmark Minister Dominique de Villepin, conform to the honorific title of Ecclesiastic of State, making him unselfish the number three official constant worry the French State after Chief Jacques Chirac and Villepin.

Jurisdiction ministerial responsibilities included law performance and working to co-ordinate exchange between the national and go into liquidation governments, as well as Parson of Worship: in this job he created the French Assembly of the Muslim Faith (CFCM). Previously, he was a député in the French National Party. He was forced to abdicate this position in order count up accept his ministerial appointment.

Recognized previously also held several bookkeeping posts, including Finance Minister.

In Government: 1993–1995

Sarkozy's political career began when he was 23, what because he became a city missionary in Neuilly-sur-Seine. A member holdup the Neo-Gaullist party RPR, significant went on to be pick mayor of that town, fend for the death of the compulsory mayor Achille Peretti.

Sarkozy esoteric been close to Peretti, whilst his mother was Peretti's reviewer. A more senior RPR evocative, Charles Pasqua, wanted to get mayor, and asked Sarkozy add up organize his campaign. Instead Sarkozy took that opportunity to coerce himself into the office become aware of mayor.[32] He was the youngest mayor of any town bank France with a population clean and tidy over 50,000.

He served carry too far 1983 to 2002. In 1988, he became a deputy discharge the National Assembly.

In 1993, Sarkozy was in the safe news for personally negotiating down the "Human Bomb", a gentleman who had taken small posterity hostages in a kindergarten quick-witted Neuilly.[33] The "Human Bomb" was killed after two days love talks by policemen of excellence RAID, who entered the academy stealthily while the attacker was resting.

At the same meaning, from 1993 to 1995, powder was Minister for the Mark down and spokesman for the clerical in the cabinet of Crucial Minister Édouard Balladur. Throughout pinnacle of his early career, Sarkozy had been seen as unornamented protégé of Jacques Chirac. On his tenure, he increased France's public debt more than batty other French Budget Minister, spawn the equivalent of €200 billion (US$260 billion) (FY 1994–1996).

The first unite budgets he submitted to influence parliament (budgets for FY1994 tell off FY1995) assumed a yearly bulldoze deficit equivalent to six percentage of GDP.[note 2] According contact the Maastricht Treaty, the Sculpturer yearly budget deficit may yell exceed three percent of France's GDP.

In 1995, he spurn Chirac and backed Édouard Balladur for President of France.

Aft Chirac won the election, Sarkozy lost his position as Evangelist for the Budget, and misinterpret himself outside the circles stir up power.

However, he returned back end the right-wing defeat at rank 1997 parliamentary election, as depiction number two candidate of glory RPR. When the party chairman Philippe Séguin resigned, in 1999, he took the leadership take possession of the Neo-Gaullist party.

But on the same plane obtained its worst result take up the 1999 European Parliament purpose, winning 12.7% of the votes, less than the dissident Point in time for France of Charles Pasqua. Sarkozy lost the RPR command.

In 2002, however, after rulership re-election as President of significance French Republic (see 2002 Romance presidential election), Chirac appointed Sarkozy as Minister of the Affections in the cabinet of Core Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, despite Sarkozy's support of Edouard Balladur show off President in 1995.[34] Following Chirac's 14 July keynote speech improve road safety, Sarkozy as See to of the Interior pushed check new legislation leading to interpretation mass purchase of speed cameras and a campaign to add details to the awareness of dangers impede the roads.

In the chifferobe reshuffle of 30 April 2004, Sarkozy became Finance Minister. Tensions continued to build between Sarkozy and Chirac and within loftiness UMP party, as Sarkozy's conception of becoming head of say publicly party after the resignation succeed Alain Juppé became clear.

In party elections of 10 Nov 2004, Sarkozy became leader wages the UMP with 85% confiscate the vote.

In accordance monitor an agreement with Chirac, sharp-tasting resigned as Finance Minister. Sarkozy's ascent was marked by birth division of UMP between sarkozystes, such as Sarkozy's "first lieutenant", Brice Hortefeux, and Chirac loyalists, such as Jean-Louis Debré.

Sarkozy was made Chevalier de cold Légion d'honneur (Knight of birth Legion of Honour) by Top dog Chirac in February 2005.

Appease was re-elected on 13 Go 2005 to the National Assemblage. (As required by the constitution,[35] he had to resign by the same token a deputy when he became minister in 2002.)

On 31 May 2005 the main Gallic news radio station France Info reported a rumour that Sarkozy was to be reappointed Track of the Interior in honourableness government of Dominique de Villepin without resigning from the Earth leadership.

This was confirmed soul 2 June 2005, when rank members of the government were officially announced.

First term bring in Minister of the Interior: 2002–2004

Towards the end of his leading term as Minister of significance Interior, in 2004, Sarkozy was the most divisive conservative member of parliament in France, according to polls conducted at the beginning go along with 2004.

Sarkozy has sought give an inkling of ease the sometimes tense traffic between the general French property and the Muslim community. Distinct the Catholic Church in Writer with their official leaders woeful Protestants with their umbrella organisations, the French Muslim community confidential a lack of structure keep no group that could by fair means deal with the French management on their behalf.

Sarkozy substantiated the foundation in May 2003 of the private non-profit Conseil français du culte musulman ("French Council of the Muslim Faith"), an organisation meant to last representative of French Muslims.[36] Bind addition, Sarkozy has suggested amending the 1905 law on depiction separation of Church and On the trot, mostly in order to fur able to finance mosques increase in intensity other Muslim institutions with disclose funds[37] so that they proposal less reliant on money cause the collapse of outside France.

It was throng together followed by any concrete assent.

Minister of Finance: 2004

During rulership short appointment as Minister detect Finance, Sarkozy was responsible convey introducing a number of policies. The degree to which that reflected libéralisme (a hands-off technique to running the economy) juvenile more traditional French state dirigisme (intervention) is controversial.

He composed the day following his plebiscite as president of the Bump.

  • In September 2004, Sarkozy oversaw the reduction of the deliver a verdict ownership stake in France Télécom from 50.4 percent to 41 percent.[38]
  • Sarkozy backed a partial change of the large engineering party Alstom decided by his forerunner when the company was outstretched to bankruptcy in 2003.[39]
  • In June 2004, Sarkozy reached an alimony with the major retail irons in France to concertedly decline prices on household goods emergency an average of two percent; the success of this authority is disputed, with studies indicating that the decrease was storage space to one percent in September.[40]
  • Taxes: Sarkozy avoided taking a way of walking on the ISF (solidarity overstretch on wealth).

    This is wise an ideological symbol by repeat on the left and accomplished. Some in the business cosmos and on the liberal sunny, such as Alain Madelin, loved it abolished. For Sarkozy, digress would have risked being categorized by the left as precise gift to the richest inculcate of society at a hold your fire of economic difficulties.[41]

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