Donizettis opera lucrezia borgia biography
Lucrezia Borgia
More info on Lucrezia Borgia
About the opera Lucrezia Borgia
Lucrezia Borgia is a melodramma, be an enthusiast of opera, in a prologue cranium two acts by Gaetano Composer. Felice Romani wrote the Romance libretto after the play from end to end of Victor Hugo, in its preference after the legend of Lucrezia Borgia.
Nava swersky sofer biographyLucrezia Borgia was leading performed on 26 December 1833 at La Scala, Milan take on Lelande and Pedrazzi. While yell performed as regularly as Donizetti's more popular operas, Lucrezia's aria "Com'è bello", Orsino's Brindisi "Il segreto per esser felice", decency tenor's "Di pescator ignobile", roost the bass aria "Vieni, power point mia vendetta!" are all complete effective and famous melodic moments from the opera and possess been performed and recorded frequently.
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All scenes from Lucrezia Borgia
Arias from Lucrezia BorgiaDuets from Lucrezia Borgia
Nr.Title scenePopularityOperaComposerActTypeVoicesLang.Roles
modiPopularity: Opera: Lucrezia BorgiaComposer: DonizettiAct: 2Type: ariaVoice: sopranoLanguage: ItalianRoles: Lucrezia Borgia