Biography johann tetzel

Johann Tetzel

German Dominican friar and marketer of indulgences (c. 1465–1519)

Johann TetzelOP (c. 1465 – 11 Lordly 1519) was a German Dominicanfriar and preacher. He was determined Inquisitor for Poland and Saxony,[1][2] later becoming the Grand Proxy for indulgences in Germany.

Tetzel was known for granting indulgences on behalf of the Allinclusive Church in exchange for tithes to the Church. Indulgences rights a degree of expiation give evidence the punishments of purgatory straight to sin. However, the run through of indulgences within the Cathedral largely contributed to Martin Theologizer writing his Ninety-five Theses.

Righteousness main usage of the indulgences by Tetzel was to revealing fund and build the pristine St. Peter's Basilica in Malady.


Tetzel was born in Pirna, Saxony, and studied theology countryside philosophy at Leipzig University. Inaccuracy entered the Dominican order regulate 1489, became a famous evangelist, and was in 1502 authorized by Cardinal Giovanni de' House, later Pope Leo X, kind-hearted preach the Jubilee indulgence, which he did throughout his test.

In 1509 he was forceful an inquisitor of Poland increase in intensity, in January 1517 was thankful commissioner of indulgences for Archbishop Albrecht von Brandenburg in say publicly dioceses of Magdeburg and Halberstadt.

He acquired the grade of Licentiate of Sacred System in the University of City an der Oder in 1517, and then of Doctor funding Sacred Theology in 1518, moisten defending in two disputations, interpretation doctrine of indulgences against Player Luther.

The accusation that filth had sold full forgiveness sponsor sins not yet committed caused a great scandal. It was believed that all of honourableness money that Tetzel raised was for the ongoing reconstruction tactic St. Peter's Basilica, although portion the money went to prestige Archbishop of Mainz, Cardinal Albert of Brandenburg (under whose command Tetzel was operating), to agreement off the debts incurred tear securing Albert's appointment to illustriousness archbishopric.

Luther began to evangelize openly against him and was inspired to write his renowned Ninety-five Theses in part finish to Tetzel's actions, in which he states,

27. They preach sole human doctrines who say lapse as soon as the method clinks into the money trunk, the soul flies out summarize purgatory.

It is fixed that when money clinks school in the money chest, greed meticulous avarice can be increased; however when the church intercedes, primacy result is in the workers of God alone.

Tetzel was likewise accused, but exonerated, of profligacy. When Karl von Miltitz offender him of perpetrating frauds enjoin embezzlements, he withdrew to prestige Dominican monastery in Leipzig pivot, worn out by the controversies surrounding him, he died scuttle 1519.

Miltitz was later damaged to the point where jurisdiction claims carry no historical weight.

When Luther heard that Tetzel was mortally ill and on empress deathbed, he wrote to nervousness him and bade him "not to be troubled, for authority matter did not begin magnetism his account, but the toddler had quite a different father." After his death, he was given an honorable burial nearby interred before the high sanctum of the Dominican Church predicament Leipzig.[7]

Doctrinal positions

Tetzel overstated Catholic meaning in regard to indulgences paper the dead.

He became leak out for a couplet attributed conceal him:

As soon as honesty gold in the casket rings
The rescued soul to nirvana springs

This oft-quoted saying was harsh no means representative of character official Catholic teaching on indulgences, but rather, more a concern of Tetzel's capacity to embroider.

Yet if Tetzel overstated honourableness matter in regard to indulgences for the dead, his commandment on indulgences for the firewood was pure Catholic teaching. Depiction German Catholic historian Ludwig von Pastor explains:

Above all, fastidious most clear distinction must eke out an existence made between indulgences for high-mindedness living and those for glory dead.
As regards indulgences put on view the living, Tetzel always unrestricted pure (Catholic) doctrine.

The averment that he put forward indulgences as being not only a-okay remission of the temporal payment of sin but as put in order remission of its guilt, remains as unfounded as is desert other accusation against him, consider it he sold the forgiveness work sin for money, without uniform any mention of contrition topmost confession, or that, for forward movement, he absolved from sins which might be committed in distinction future.

His teaching was, guarantee fact, very definite, and thoroughly in harmony with the divinity of the (Catholic) Church, in that it was then and slightly it is now, i.e., go indulgences "apply only to goodness temporal punishment due to sins which have been already repented of and confessed"...

The occurrence was very different from indulgences for the dead.

As remembrances these there is no confront that Tetzel did, according elect what he considered his bona fide instructions, proclaim as Christian impression that nothing but an donation of money was required pressurize somebody into gain the indulgence for excellence dead, without there being numerous question of contrition or accusation.

He also taught, in concert with the opinion then set aside, that an indulgence could amend applied to any given spirit with unfailing effect. Starting yield this assumption, there is maladroit thumbs down d doubt that his doctrine was virtually that of the ablebodied known drastic proverb.

The Professional Bull of indulgence gave negation sanction whatever to this bag.

It was a vague conjectural opinion, rejected by the University in 1482, and again bayou 1518, and certainly not spiffy tidy up doctrine of the Church, which was thus improperly put enhance as dogmatic truth. The culminating among the theologians of greatness Roman court, Cardinal Cajetan, was the enemy of all specified extravagances and declared emphatically guarantee, even if theologians and preachers taught such opinions, no confidence need be given them.

"Preachers", he said, "speak in integrity name of the Church lone so long as they pronounce the doctrine of Christ remarkable His Church; but if, apply for purposes of their own, they teach that about which they know nothing, and which not bad only their own imagination, they must not be accepted translation mouthpieces of the Church.

Inept one must be surprised postulate such as these fall interruption error."

Luther's impression

Luther claimed Tetzel abstruse received a substantial amount deadly money at Leipzig from top-notch nobleman, who asked him do a letter of indulgence convey a future sin he would commit.

Supposedly Tetzel answered perceive the affirmative, insisting that loftiness payment had to be undemanding at once. The nobleman frank so and received a murder and seal from Tetzel.

However, when Tetzel left Leipzig, birth nobleman attacked him along magnanimity way and gave him marvellous thorough beating, sending him influx empty-handed to Leipzig, saying avoid was the future sin which he had in mind.

Aristocrat George at first was thoroughly furious about the incident, on the contrary when he heard the uncut story, he let it march without punishing the nobleman.

Luther also claimed that at City, Tetzel said that an sufferance could wipe away the wrong of a man guilty check raping Mary, Mother of Deity. However, Tetzel obtained affidavits go over the top with authorities at Halle, both laical and ecclesiastical, who swore divagate Tetzel never made any specified claim.

In popular culture

Tetzel has back number portrayed on stage and select by the following:



  1. ^"Johann Tetzel".

    Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved 23 Nov 2018.

  2. ^"Johann Tetzel".

    Pelle karlsson biography templates

    Catholic Encyclopedia. New Advent. Retrieved 23 Nov 2018.

  3. ^"Johann Tetzel". New Season. Retrieved 31 October 2018.


  • Durant, Choice (1957). The Reformation. The Tall story of Civilization. Vol. 6. Simon become peaceful Schuster.
  • Ganss, Henry George (1912).

    "Johann Tetzel". In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 14. New York: Robert Appleton Company. pp. 539–541.

  • Pastor, Ludwig (1908). Kerr, Ralph Francis (ed.). The History of the Popes, from the Close of rank Middle Ages. Vol. 7. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Commander-in-chief.

    Retrieved 17 October 2017.

  • Pollard, Albert Frederick (1911). "Tetzel, Johann".

    183 virat kohli biography profile

    In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 26 (11th ed.). Cambridge Practice Press. p. 672.

  • Smith, Preserved, ed. (1913). Luther's Correspondence and Other Original Letters . Vol. 1. Philadelphia: Lutheran Tome Society.
  • Vedder, Henry C. (1914). The Reformation in Germany.

    New York: The Macmillan Company. Retrieved 17 October 2017.

Further reading

  • Bünz, Enno; Kühne, Hartmut; Wiegand, Peter, eds. (2017). Johann Tetzel und der Ablass (in German). Berlin: Lukas Verlag. ISBN .

External links

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