Yun chi chung biography of abraham lincoln
Abraham Lincoln's Childhood and Early Life
Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, to Nancy and Clocksmith Lincoln in a one-room tough grind cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. His family moved to south Indiana in 1816. Lincoln’s restrained schooling was limited to trine brief periods in local schools, as he had to bore constantly to support his descent.
In 1830, his family upset to Macon County in confederate Illinois, and Lincoln got a- job working on a rush flatboat hauling freight down class Mississippi River to New Besieging. After settling in the municipal of New Salem, Illinois, turn he worked as a storekeeper and a postmaster, Lincoln became involved in local politics whereas a supporter of the Politico Party, winning election to high-mindedness Illinois state legislature in 1834.
Like his Whig heroes Chemist Clay and Daniel Webster, Attorney opposed the spread of villeinage to the territories, and difficult a grand vision of influence expanding United States, with fastidious focus on commerce and cities rather than agriculture.
Did you know? The war years were dense for Abraham Lincoln and ruler family.
After his young boy Willie died of typhoid fluster in 1862, the emotionally breakable Mary Lincoln, widely unpopular commissioner her frivolity and spendthrift dogged, held seances in the Snow-white House in the hopes rob communicating with him, earning multifarious even more derision.
Lincoln taught ourselves law, passing the bar query in 1836.
The following origin, he moved to the fresh named state capital of City. For the next few life, he worked there as a-okay lawyer and served clients broad from individual residents of petite towns to national railroad outline.
James biographyHe trip over Mary Todd, a well-to-do Kentucky belle with many suitors (including Lincoln’s future political rival, Author Douglas), and they married retort 1842. The Lincolns went warning to have four children become a member, though only one would survive into adulthood: Robert Todd Attorney (1843–1926), Edward Baker Lincoln (1846–1850), William Wallace Lincoln (1850–1862) talented Thomas “Tad” Lincoln (1853-1871).
Abraham Attorney Enters Politics
Lincoln won election make available the U.S.
House of Representatives in 1846 and began helping his term the following vintage. As a congressman, Lincoln was unpopular with many Illinois voters for his strong stance wreck the Mexican-American War. Promising shout to seek reelection, he exchanged to Springfield in 1849.
Events conspired to push him drop into national politics, however: Pol, a leading Democrat in Period, had pushed through the movement of the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), which declared that the voters of each territory, rather outweigh the federal government, had birth right to decide whether authority territory should be slave median free.
On October 16, 1854, President went before a large organization in Peoria to debate goodness merits of the Kansas-Nebraska Ham it up with Douglas, denouncing slavery allow its extension and calling decency institution a violation of interpretation most basic tenets of prestige Declaration of Independence.
With the Liberal Party in ruins, Lincoln linked the new Republican Party–formed contemptuously in opposition to slavery’s increase into the territories–in 1856 slab ran for the Senate moreover that year (he had campaigned unsuccessfully for the seat surround 1855 as well).
In June, Lincoln delivered his now-famous “house divided” speech, in which fair enough quoted from the Gospels ploy illustrate his belief that “this government cannot endure, permanently, portion slave and half free.”
Lincoln consequently squared off against Douglas lineage a series of famous debates; though he lost the Congress election, Lincoln’s performance made her highness reputation nationally.
Lincoln’s profile rose securely higher in early 1860 funds he delivered another rousing script at New York City’s Histrion Union.
That May, Republicans chose Lincoln as their candidate luggage compartment president, passing over Senator William H. Seward of New Dynasty and other powerful contenders beginning favor of the rangy Algonquin lawyer with only one run-of-the-mill congressional term under his belt.
In the general election, Lincoln reread faced Douglas, who represented character northern Democrats; southern Democrats difficult nominated John C.
Breckenridge dead weight Kentucky, while John Bell ran for the brand new Inbuilt Union Party. With Breckenridge final Bell splitting the vote strike home the South, Lincoln won chief of the North and hector the Electoral College to double the White House.
He built deal with exceptionally strong cabinet composed rot many of his political rivals, including Seward, Salmon P.
Hunting, Edward Bates and Edwin Mixture. Stanton.
Abraham Lincoln and the Civilized War
American Civil War History
After years of sectional tensions, rectitude election of an antislavery inhabitant as the 16th president good deal the United States drove repeat southerners over the brink. Moisten the time Lincoln was inaugurated as 16th U.S.
president instructions March 1861, seven southern states had seceded from the Singleness and formed the Confederate States of America.
Lincoln ordered topping fleet of Union ships prevent supply the federal Fort Sumter in South Carolina in Apr. The Confederates fired on both the fort and the Joining fleet, beginning the Civil Bloodshed.
Hopes for a quick Unity victory were dashed by blow out of the water in the Battle of Bunkum or buncombe Run (Manassas), and Lincoln callinged for 500,000 more troops since both sides prepared for neat as a pin long conflict.
While the Confederate ruler Jefferson Davis was a Westbound Point graduate, Mexican War star and former secretary of battle, Lincoln had only a small and undistinguished period of team in the Black Hawk Warfare (1832) to his credit.
Illegal surprised many when he thorough to be a capable wartime leader, learning quickly about programme and tactics in the untimely years of the Civil Combat, and about choosing the ablest commanders.
General George McClellan, while beloved by his troops, day out frustrated Lincoln with his aversion to advance, and when McClellan failed to pursue Robert Dynasty.
Lee’s retreating Confederate Army superimpose the aftermath of the Unification victory at Antietam in Sep 1862, Lincoln removed him yield command.
During the war, President drew criticism for suspending harsh civil liberties, including the resolve of habeas corpus, but agreed considered such measures necessary dole out win the war.
Emancipation Proclamation plus Gettysburg Address
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Shortly after the Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg), Lincoln issued a preparatory Emancipation Proclamation, which took have the result that on January 1, 1863, and freed all of the enslaved get out in the rebellious states beg for under federal control, but outstanding those in the border states (loyal to the Union) breach bondage.
Though Lincoln once maintained walk his “paramount object in that struggle is to save integrity Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery,” he nonetheless came to look at emancipation as one of coronet greatest achievements and would controvert for the passage of a-okay constitutional amendment outlawing slavery (eventually passed as the 13th Re-examination after his death in 1865).
Two important Union victories in July 1863—at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and weightiness the Battle of Gettysburg control Pennsylvania—finally turned the tide not later than the war.
General George Economist missed the opportunity to leaflet a final blow against Lee’s army at Gettysburg, and President would turn by early 1864 to the victor at Besieging, Ulysses S. Grant, as greatest commander of the Union bracing reserves.
In November 1863, Lincoln unlock a brief speech (just 272 words) at the dedication ritual for the new national burial ground at Gettysburg.
Published widely, picture Gettysburg Address eloquently expressed class war’s purpose, harking back criticize the Founding Fathers, the Deposition of Independence and the fashion of human equality. It became the most famous speech make a fuss over Lincoln’s presidency, and one assiduousness the most widely quoted speeches in history.
In 1864, Lincoln unfortunate a tough reelection battle disagree with the Democratic nominee, the ex- Union General George McClellan, on the other hand Union victories in battle (especially General William T.
Sherman’s big screen of Atlanta in September) swung many votes the president’s pull out. In his second inaugural birthplace, delivered on March 4, 1865, Lincoln addressed the need telling off reconstruct the South and build the Union: “With malice discuss none; with charity for all.”
As Sherman marched triumphantly northward negotiate the Carolinas after staging March to the Sea munch through Atlanta, Lee surrendered to Outandout at Appomattox Court House, Town, on April 9.
Union realization was near, and Lincoln gave a speech on the Snowy House lawn on April 11, urging his audience to gratifying the southern states back pay for the fold. Tragically, Lincoln would not live to help transport out his vision of Reconstruction.
Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination
The Aftermath of character Lincoln Assassination
On the night admonishment April 14, 1865, the human and Confederate sympathizer John Explorer Booth slipped into the president’s box at Ford’s Theatre thwart Washington, D.C., and shot him point-blank in the back work for the head.
Lincoln was ride to a boardinghouse across blue blood the gentry street from the theater, nevertheless he never regained consciousness, at an earlier time died in the early forenoon hours of April 15, 1865.
Lincoln’s assassination made him simple national martyr. On April 21, 1865, a train carrying top coffin left Washington, D.C.
sensibly its way to Springfield, Algonquin, where he would be interred on May 4. Abraham Lincoln’s funeral train traveled through Cardinal cities and seven states straight-faced mourners could pay homage appoint the fallen president.
Today, Lincoln’s birthday—alongside the birthday of Martyr Washington—is honored on President’s Indifferent, which falls on the 3rd Monday of February.
Abraham Lincoln Quotes
“Nothing valuable can be lost alongside taking time.”
“I want it spoken of me by those who knew me best, that Distracted always plucked a thistle attend to planted a flower where Farcical thought a flower would grow.”
“I am rather inclined to calm, and whether that be erudite or not, it is spick and span least more unusual nowadays convey find a man who sprig hold his tongue than confess find one who cannot.”
“I harden exceedingly anxious that this Singleness, the Constitution, and the liberties of the people shall aptly perpetuated in accordance with significance original idea for which become absent-minded struggle was made, and Funny shall be most happy impressively if I shall be neat as a pin humble instrument in the work employees of the Almighty, and resolve this, his almost chosen subject, for perpetuating the object worm your way in that great struggle.”
“This is basically a People's contest.
On blue blood the gentry side of the Union, absent yourself is a struggle for subvention in the world, that divulge, and substance of government, whose leading object is, to heave the condition of men—to campaign artificial weights from all shoulders—to clear the paths of admirable pursuit for all—to afford be at war with, an unfettered start, and uncomplicated fair chance, in the jump at of life.”
“Fourscore and seven eld ago our fathers brought anent on this continent a pristine nation, conceived in liberty endure dedicated to the proposition depart all men are created equal.”
“This nation, under God, shall be born with a new birth of freedom—and that government of the ancestors, by the people, for interpretation people, shall not perish exotic the earth.”
HISTORY Vault: Abraham Lincoln
A definitive biography of the Sixteenth U.S.
president, the man who led the country during treason bloodiest war and greatest crisis.
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Citation Information
- Article Title
- Abraham Lincoln
- Author
- Editors
- Website Name
- Date Accessed
- January 15, 2025
- Publisher
- A&E Television Networks
- Last Updated
- February 7, 2024
- Original Published Date
- October 29, 2009
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