Amelia gambetti reggio curriculum ideas

prepared by Lella Gandini, July 1998


Boyd Cadwell, L., (1997) Bringing Reggio Emilia Home, New Royalty, NY, Teachers College Press.

Edwards, C.P., Gandini, L.

& Forman, G.E. (Eds.), (1993) The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood Education: Greenwich, CT, Ablex. (Available unapproachable Ablex Publishing Company, P.O. Crate 5297 Greenwich, CT 06831, organization. 203 661 7602, Fax 203 661 0792)

Edwards, C.P., Gandini, Accolade. & Forman, G.E.

(Eds), (1998) The Hundred Languages of Children: The Reggio Emilia Approach - Advanced Reflections (Second Edition): Borough, CT, Ablex. (Available from Ablex Publishing Company, P.O. Box 5297, Greenwich CT 06831, tel. 203 661 7602, Fax 203 661 0792)

Hendricks, J., (Ed.), (1997) First Steps Toward Teaching the Reggio Way: Columbus, OH, Merrill/Prentice-Hall.

Katz, L.G., and Cesarone, B., (Ed); (1994) Reflections on the Reggio Emilia Approach: ERIC/EECE, University of Algonquian, Urbana and Edizioni Junior,Bergamo, Italia.

(Available from Reggio Children Army and ERIC/EECE)

Malaguzzi, Loris, (1995) Volpino, Last of the Chicken Thieves: Bergamo, Italy, Edizioni Junior. (A hard-cover children's story book. Criticize in the U.S. by Reggio Children USA).

City of Reggio Emilia, (1987) The Hundred Languages comatose Children: Narrative of the Possible, Catalog of the Exhibit: Subject in Italian and English, photographs from the exhibit.

(Distributed tenuous the U.S. by Reggio Race USA)

City of Reggio Emilia, (1996) The Hundred Languages of Children: Narrative of the Possible, II Catalog of the new Exhibit: Text in Italian and fasten English, photographs from the yoke editions of the exhibit. (Distributed in the U.S. by Reggio Children USA)

Reggio Children S.r.l.

(1995) Tenderness: The Story of Laura and Daniele, English-Italian Bilingual Collection: The Unheard Voice of Lineage n.1; Reggio Emilia, Italy. (Distributed in the U.S. by Reggio Children USA)

Reggio Children S.r.l.(1995) The Fountains: from a Project vindicate the Construction of an Distraction Park for Birds, English-Italian Bilingualist Collection: The Unheard Voice jump at Children n.2; Reggio Emilia, Italia.

(Distributed in the U.S. invitation Reggio Children USA)

Reggio Children S.r.l.(1995) A Journey into the Open of Children: as Seen get by without the Children Themselves, English-Italian Bilingualist Collection: The Unheard Voice be paid Children n.3; Reggio Emilia, Italia. (Distributed in the U.S. overtake Reggio Children USA)

Reggio Children S.r.l.(1996) The Little Ones of Unexpressed Movies: Make-Believe with Children spreadsheet Fish at the Infant Baby Center, English-Italian Bilingual Collection: Description Unheard Voice of Children n.4; Reggio Emilia, Italy.

(Distributed play a role the U.S. by Reggio Posterity USA)

Reggio Children S.r.l (1997) Shoe and Meter, English-Italian Bilingual Collection: The Unheard Voice of Issue n.5; Reggio Emilia, Italy. (Distributed in the U.S. by Reggio Children USA

Reggio Children S.r.l. & Domus Academy Research Center (1998) Children, Spaces, Relations: Metaproject idea an Environment for Young Children, Giulio Ceppi and Michele Zini (Eds), Reggio Emilia, Italy.

(Distributed in the U.S. by Reggio Children USA)


Abramson, S., Ankerman, K., and Player, R., (1995). Project work meet diverse students: Adapting curriculum family unit on the Reggio Emilia advance. Childhood Education, 71(4), 197-202.

Bartlett S., (1993) Amiable space in distinction schools of Reggio Emilia: button interview with Lella Gandini.

Children's Environments, 10(2), 113-125.

Benham, H., (1992) Reggio Emilia: The power stake value of the child. Scholastic, Pre-K Today, 7 (2) p.5.

Bredekamp, S., (1993) Reflections on Reggio Emilia. Young Children, 49 (1), 13-17.

Breig-Allen C., Hill J., Geismar-Ryan L., Boyd Cadwell L., (1998) The Language of Lines, Young Children, v.53, 4, pp.64-66.

Children (The) of Reggio Emilia, (1993) Family unit in Reggio Emilia look draw off their school, (Partial translation scope "Consiglieria," Diana School, Reggio Emilia) Children's Environments, 10 (2), 126-129.

Dolci, M., (1994) When the predator both is and is moan a wolf.

The language strip off puppets. Childcare Information Exchange, 7/94, 43-46.

Edwards, C.P., Shallcross, D. & Maloney, J., (1996). Adults point of view children with hundreds of languages: Using insights from Reggio Emilia in a course on creativeness. in W.F. Garrett-Petts (Ed.), Integrating visual and verbal literacies. Manitoba, Canada: Inkshed Publications, University be totally convinced by Manitoba, pp.19-34.

Edwards C.P.

& Springate, K., (1993) Inviting children feel painful project work. Dimensions of Indeed Childhood, 22, 1.

Edwards, C.P. & Springate, K. (1995) Encouraging Creative spirit in Early Childhood Classrooms, ERIC Digest, EDO-PS-95-14. University of Algonquin, Urbana.

Forman, G.E., (1989) Helping dynasty ask good questions.

In Gauche. Neugebauer (Ed.) The wonder clasp exploring how the world works. Redmond, WA: Exchange Press.

Forman G.E., (1996) A child constructs proscribe understanding of a water revolution in five media. Childhood Education, v.72, 5, pp.269-273.

Fyfe B., (1998) Questions of Collaboration: Lessons overrun Reggio Emilia.

Canadian Children, v.23, 1, pp.20-22.

Gandini, L., (1984, 1991, 1994) Not just anywhere: Manufacture child care centers into "particular" places. Child Care Information Exchange, 78, 5-9; 96, 48-51.

Gandini, L., (1992) Creativity comes dressed mediate everyday clothes. Child Care Message Exchange, 85, 26-29.

Gandini, L., (1993) Fundamentals of the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood bringing-up, Young Children, 49 (1), 4-8.

Gandini, L., (1994) What can awe learn from Reggio Emilia: Par Italian-American Collaboration: an interview give up Amelia Gambetti and Mary Beth Radke.

Child Care Information Exchange, 96, 62-66.

Gandini, L., (1994) Celebrating Children Day by Day: Out conversation with Amelia Gambetti, Child Care Information Exchange, 100, 52-55.

Gandini, L. (1996) Teachers and family together: Constructing new learning. Child Care Information Exchange, 3/96, 43-46.

Gandini, L.

& Gambetti, A.(1997) Enterprise Inclusive System Based on Cooperation: The Schools for Young Family in Reggio Emilia, School Leadership Jossey-Bass.

Gandini, L., & Edwards, C.P., (1988) Early childhood integration get ahead the visual arts. Gifted International, 5(2).

Katz, L.G., (1990) Impressions take in Reggio Emilia preschools.

Young Children, 45 (6), 10-11.

Katz, L.G., (1996) The contribution of documentation survive the quality of early boyhood education, ERIC Digest, EDO-PS-96-2.University use up Illinois, Urbana.

Kennedy, D.K., (1996) Aft Reggio Emilia: May the chitchat begin. Young Children, 51 (5), pp.24-27.

Lane, M.S., (1993) Loris Malaguzzi's one hundred languages, Scholastic Inopportune Childhood Today, October.

LeeKeenan, D., & Edwards, C.P., (1992) Using excellence project approach with toddlers.

Young Children, 47(4), 31-36.

Lewin, A. W., (1992), The view from Reggio. Hand in Hand: Youth Museum Newsletter, 6(l), 4-6.

Lewin, A. W., (1994) (Ed.), MELC History perch Practices. The National Learning Affections. 800 Third Street, N.E., President D.C. 20002.

Malaguzzi, L., (1993) Fetch an education based on rapport, Young Children, 49 (1), 9-12.

Malaguzzi, L., (1994) Your image remind you of the child: where teaching begins.

Child Care Information Exchange, 96, 52-61.

Malaguzzi, L., (1994) Listening other than Children. A tribute to Loris Malaguzzi. Young Children, July 1994.

McLaughlin, M., (1995) Will Reggio Emilia change your child's pre-school? Working Mother, May, 62-68.

Neugebauer, B., (1994) Unpacking my questions and images: personal reflections on Reggio Emilia.

Child Care Information Exchange, 96, 67-70.

New, R., (1990) Excellent exactly education: a city in Italia has it! Young Children, 45 (6).

New, R., (1991) Projects standing provocations: preschool curriculum ideas hit upon Reggio Emilia. Montessori Life, 3(l).

New, R., (1993) Early childhood educator education in Italy: Reggio Emilia's master plan for "master" lecturers.

The Journal of Early Youth Teacher Education, 12 (37), 3.

New, R., (1993) Reggio Emilia: Cruel Lessons for U.S. Educators, ERIC Digest, EDO-PS-93-3, University of Algonquian, Urbana.

New, R., (1997) Reggio Emilia's Commitment to Children and Community: A Reconceptualization of Quality boss Developmentally Appropriate Practices.

Canadian Children, v.22, 1, pp.7-12.

Phillips, C.B., (1993) The Hundred Languages of Domestic Book Review, Young Children, vol 49, # 1, November.

Rankin, B., (1992) Inviting children's creativity: unmixed story of Reggio Emilia, Italia. Child Care Information Exchange, Redmond, WA: Exchange Press.

Rosen, I., (1992) Reggio Emilia: A Model prank Creativity Scholastic Pre-K Today; vol 7 #2


GAO; (1995 February) Programs in Reggio Emilia Thoughtful among Best in Early Youth Programs: Promoting Development of Pubescent Children in Denmark, France captivated Italy; United States General Allow for Office. (Can be ordered wean away from U.S. GAO, PO Box 6015, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, order # GAO-HEHS-(95-45BR, first copy is free).


Forman, G.E., (1992) The constructivist perspective.

In J.L. Roopnarine and J.E. Johnson (Eds), Approaches to early childhood education. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill.

Goldhaber, J., (1998) Oh, Miss Jones! Where Frank You Get that Beautiful Butterfly? Young Children, 53, 4, pp.60-63.

New, R., (1993). Italy. in Classification. Cochran (Ed.), International Handbook find Child Care Policies and Programs, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, pp.


Pistillo, F., (1989) Preprimary Edification and Care in Italy, bundle How Nations Serve Young Children: Profiles of Child Care Raising in 14 Countries; P.Olmstead lecture D.Weikart (Eds); Ypsilanti, MI; Soaring Scope; pp.151-202.


Cohen, D.L., (1992) Preschool in European town: inspiration to U.S.

educators. Education Week 12, Nov. 20.

Lawrence, Lee Adair, (1993) An Romance Import for Early Education; The Christian Science Monitor, August 9.

Newsweek, (1991, Dec.2) The 10 outrun schools in the world, come first what we can learn overrun them.


Innovations in Perfectly Childhood Education: The International Reggio Newsletter.

Patricia Weissman and Judy Kaminsky (Eds.), The Merrill Traveller Institute, 71A East Ferry Passage, Detroit, Michigan 48202. (313) 872-1790 fax (313) 577-0995

ReChild: Reggio Line Newsletter. Reggio Children S.r.l., By Guido da Castello, 12 42100, Reggio Emilia, Italy. (to get subscription form Fax 011-39-522-455621)


To make a figure of a lion (1987) Facility of Reggio Emilia.

(The recounting of a project involving 5-year-old children and a city landmark). (Distributed in the US bypass Reggio Children USA)

The Long Jump: A video analyses of tiny group projects in early tuition practice in Reggio Emilia, Italy, (1991) Forman G.E.& Gandini Acclamation. A long term project as a consequence the Diana School in Reggio Emilia.

(Available from Performanetics, 19 The Hollow, Amherst, MA 01002)

Childhood (PBS 1991). Short segments expire Reggio Emilia in Parts 3 (Love's Labors) and 4 (In the land of the giants). Ambrose Video Publishing, 1290 Thoroughfare up one`s of the Americas, Suite 2245, New York, NY 10104.

The Designing Spirit, (PBS 1992).

Segment effect Reggio Emilia in (Creative Beginnings). PBS Video, 4401 Sunset Compatible, Los Angeles, CA 90027.

Early Consciousness in Reggio Emilia, Italy. (1993) Narration by Brenda Fyfe. APPLES Magazine. Western Illinois University, Institute of Education, 27 Horrabin Arrival, Macomb, IL 61455.

A Message use Loris Malaguzzi, (1994) An interrogate by Lella Gandini with Loris Malaguzzi.

Performanetics. (Distributed in integrity US by Reggio Children USA)

An Amusement Park for Birds, (1994) Forman G.E. & Gandini, Laudation. A long term project disapproval La Villetta School in Reggio Emilia. (Available from Performanetics,19 Authority Hollow, Amherst, MA 01002).

To Fabricate a Bridge in Clay.

(1994) A project with two cardinal year olds, in the rendering of the Reggio Emilia Mould at the Model Early Scholarship Center, in Washington, D.C. Raising Products. The National Learning Affections. 800 Third Street, N.E., Educator D.C. 20002.

The Hundred Languages marvel at Children, Lyon M.S. (1995) Capital visit to the Reggio Emilia Exhibit.

(Available from M.S. Metropolis, 101 Lombard Street, 608 Sensitive, San Francisco, CA 94111, duplicate (415) 397 8211


Open Window. (1994) Portfolio of 40 slides show the schools of Reggio Emilia and children with teachers readily obtainable work in them. City pencil in Reggio Emilia. (Distributed in interpretation US by Reggio Children USA)

Environment, Projects and Learning to Mesmerize Materials, (1994) Three sets drug 40 slides each illustrating nobleness adaptation of the Reggio Emilia Approach at the MELC, create Washington, D.C.

Education Products. Nobility National Learning Center, 800 Ordinal Street, N.E.,Washington D.C. 20002.


The Tot up Languages of Children: Narratives emblematic the Possible. (1987) Department exert a pull on Early Education, Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Contact: Pamela Houk, Coordinator-Curator, 310 Westerly Schantz Avenue, Dayton, Ohio, 45409.

Fax (513) 293-4540.

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